Fabric expansion joint

A textile fiber expansion joint is a flexible element and can resist extremely high temperatures, even over 1000°C.

What is a fabric expansion joint?

A textile fiber expansion joint is a flexible element, which belongs to the non-metallic expansion joints category. This kind of joints are not suitable to be installed on lines carrying liquid fluids, but only if the line carries gaseous state fluids, because of its specific layers’ composition.

These joints can resist extremely high temperatures, even up to 1000°C. Unlike rubber and metallic expansion joints, the fiber textile one is extremely flexible, and the value of its own spring rate is negligible. It’s composed of one or more layers of different nature, each of them has a specific task.

Some materials are intended to the thermal’s reduction, while others are aimed at withstanding corrosive attacks caused by the fluid’s process, still others are destined to retain pressure. From their overlaying/ combination we obtain a stratification with suitable features for specific design conditions.

For this reason, fiber textile it’s an extremely multi-skilled compound.


What is the purpose of this kind of joint?

If carefully placed in system of pipes, it loses its shape, supporting their dimensional variation, caused by thermal expansions.

BBV Tech fabric expansion joints can be supplied as closed, open or with/without drilling holes.


  • Fanflex for temperature up to 200°C
  • Ecoflex for temperature up to 550°C
  • Stalflex for temperature up to 1000°C
  • Turbiflex for gas turbine exhaust systems’ implementation